Playing with the Gallery PlugIn

OK, I’ll admit I don’t have much of an idea what I’m doing here, so bear with me – going to be playing with this thing to see how it works.

LOL. So after trying a couple of fancy plugins, discovered that the basic (although it may be related to JetPack – there’s so much here that’s unclear) gallery works just fine.

So  now I’m playing with the new camera – the Nikon Coolpix P52 – love it so far.  This is the first bunch of shots, admittedly not real creative, but I’m playing with the lens (it’s amazing) and different sizes (resizes – the originals are about 3.8 MB each).  Looks like the 1280 x 960 will be just fine.T\

So here is the new camera – with the old one for comparison.  I’m pretty happy with it.  These are taken with my phone – should have compressed them a little first.

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