Category Archives: Uncategorized

Playing with the Gallery PlugIn

OK, I’ll admit I don’t have much of an idea what I’m doing here, so bear with me – going to be playing with this thing to see how it works.

LOL. So after trying a couple of fancy plugins, discovered that the basic (although it may be related to JetPack – there’s so much here that’s unclear) gallery works just fine.

So  now I’m playing with the new camera – the Nikon Coolpix P52 – love it so far.  This is the first bunch of shots, admittedly not real creative, but I’m playing with the lens (it’s amazing) and different sizes (resizes – the originals are about 3.8 MB each).  Looks like the 1280 x 960 will be just fine.T\

So here is the new camera – with the old one for comparison.  I’m pretty happy with it.  These are taken with my phone – should have compressed them a little first.

It’s a New Site

Finally found a domain name that works for me, so created this as a placeholder for now.  We’ll see where it goes.  Will probably use it for posting travel pic’s, etc.  Who knows?  Suggestions welcome.  For now, check out the “Who Am I?” page (in the menu above) to see who I am.